127 research outputs found

    Polynomially solvable cases of the bipartite traveling salesman problem

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    Given two sets, R and B, consisting of n cities each, in the bipartite traveling salesman problem one looks for the shortest way of visiting alternately the cities of R and B, returning to the city of origin. This problem is known to be NP-hard for arbitrary sets R and B. In this paper we provide an O(n6) algorithm to solve the bipartite traveling salesman problem if the quadrangle property holds. In particular, this algorithm can be applied to solve in O(n6) time the bipartite traveling salesman problem in the following cases: S=R¿B is a convex point set in the plane, S=R¿B is the set of vertices of a simple polygon and V=R¿B is the set of vertices of a circular graph. For this last case, we also describe another algorithm which runs in O(n2) time

    Plane augmentation of plane graphs to meet parity constraints

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    A plane topological graph G=(V, E) is a graph drawn in the plane whose vertices are points in the plane and whose edges are simple curves that do not intersect, except at their endpoints. Given a plane topological graph G=(V, E) and a set CG of parity constraints, in which every vertex has assigned a parity constraint on its degree, either even or odd, we say that G is topologically augmentable to meet CG if there exists a set E' of new edges, disjoint with E, such that G'=(V, E¿E') is noncrossing and meets all parity constraints. In this paper, we prove that the problem of deciding if a plane topological graph is topologically augmentable to meet parity constraints is NP-complete, even if the set of vertices that must change their parities is V or the set of vertices with odd degree. In particular, deciding if a plane topological graph can be augmented to a Eulerian plane topological graph is NP-complete. Analogous complexity results are obtained, when the augmentation must be done by a plane topological perfect matching between the vertices not meeting their parities. We extend these hardness results to planar graphs, when the augmented graph must be planar, and to plane geometric graphs (plane topological graphs whose edges are straight-line segments). In addition, when it is required that the augmentation is made by a plane geometric perfect matching between the vertices not meeting their parities, we also prove that this augmentation problem is NP-complete for plane geometric paths. For the particular family of maximal outerplane graphs, we characterize maximal outerplane graphs that are topological augmentable to satisfy a set of parity constraints. We also provide a polynomial time algorithm that decides if a maximal outerplane graph is topologically augmentable to meet parity constraints, and if so, produces a set of edges with minimum cardinality

    On plane subgraphs of complete topological drawings

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    Topological drawings are representations of graphs in the plane, where vertices are represented by points, and edges by simple curves connecting the points. A drawing is simple if two edges intersect at most in a single point, either at a common endpoint or at a proper crossing. In this paper we study properties of maximal plane subgraphs of simple drawings Dnof the complete graph Knon n vertices. Our main structural result is that maximal plane subgraphs are 2-connected and what we call essentially 3-edge-connected. Besides, any maximal plane subgraph contains at least [3n/2] edges. We also address the problem of obtaining a plane subgraph of Dnwith the maximum number of edges, proving that this problem is NP-complete. However, given a plane spanning connected subgraph of Dn, a maximum plane augmentation of this subgraph can be found in O(n3) time. As a side result, we also show that the problem of finding a largest compatible plane straight-line graph of two labeled point sets is NP-complete. © 2021 Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia. All rights reserved

    Paired and semipaired domination in triangulations

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    A dominating set of a graph GG is a subset DD of vertices such that every vertex not in DD is adjacent to at least one vertex in DD. A dominating set DD is paired if the subgraph induced by its vertices has a perfect matching, and semipaired if every vertex in DD is paired with exactly one other vertex in DD that is within distance 2 from it. The paired domination number, denoted by γpr(G)\gamma_{pr}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a paired dominating set of GG, and the semipaired domination number, denoted by γpr2(G)\gamma_{pr2}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a semipaired dominating set of GG. A near-triangulation is a biconnected planar graph that admits a plane embedding such that all of its faces are triangles except possibly the outer face. We show in this paper that γpr(G)2n4\gamma_{pr}(G) \le 2 \lfloor \frac{n}{4} \rfloor for any near-triangulation GG of order n4n\ge 4, and that with some exceptions, γpr2(G)2n5\gamma_{pr2}(G) \le \lfloor \frac{2n}{5} \rfloor for any near-triangulation GG of order n5n\ge 5

    Rhodium complexes in p-C bond formation: Key role of a hydrido ligand

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    Olefin hydrophosphanation is an attractive route for the atom-economical synthesis of functionalized phosphanes. This reaction involves the formation of P-C and H-C bonds. Thus, complexes that contain both hydrido and phosphanido functionalities are of great interest for the development of effective and fast catalysts. Herein, we showcase the excellent activity of one of them, [Rh(Tp)H(PMe3)(PPh2)] (1), in the hydrophosphanation of a wide range of olefins. In addition to the required nucleophilicity of the phosphanido moiety to accomplish the P-C bond formation, the key role of the hydride ligand in 1 has been disclosed by both experimental results and DFT calculations. An additional Rh-H··· C stabilization in some intermediates or transition states favors the hydrogen transfer reaction from rhodium to carbon to form the H-C bond. Further support for our proposal arises from the poor activity exhibited by the related chloride complex [Rh(Tp)Cl(PMe3)(PPh2)] as well as from stoichiometric and kinetic studies

    Maximum rectilinear convex subsets

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    Let P be a set of n points in the plane. We consider a variation of the classical Erd\H os-Szekeres problem, presenting efficient algorithms with O(n3) running time and O(n2) space complexity that compute (1) a subset S of P such that the boundary of the rectilinear convex hull of S has the maximum number of points from P, (2) a subset S of P such that the boundary of the rectilinear convex hull of S has the maximum number of points from P and its interior contains no element of P, (3) a subset S of P such that the rectilinear convex hull of S has maximum area and its interior contains no element of P, and (4) when each point of P is assigned a weight, positive or negative, a subset S of P that maximizes the total weight of the points in the rectilinear convex hull of S. We also revisit the problems of computing a maximum area orthoconvex polygon and computing a maximum area staircase polygon, amidst a point set in a rectangular domain. We obtain new and simpler algorithms to solve both problems with the same complexity as in the state of the art

    Maximum rectilinear convex subsets

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    Let P be a set of n points in the plane. We consider a variation of the classical Erdos-Szekeres problem, presenting efficient algorithms with (formula presented) running time and (formula presented) space complexity that compute: (1) A subset S of P such that the boundary of the rectilinear convex hull of S has the maximum number of points from P, (2) a subset S of P such that the boundary of the rectilinear convex hull of S has the maximum number of points from P and its interior contains no element of P, (3) a subset S of P such that the rectilinear convex hull of S has maximum area and its interior contains no element of P, and (4) when each point of P is assigned a weight, positive or negative, a subset S of P that maximizes the total weight of the points in the rectilinear convex hull of S

    Metric Dimension of Maximal Outerplanar Graphs

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    In this paper, we study the metric dimension problem in maximal outerplanar graphs. Concretely, if β(G) denotes the metric dimension of a maximal outerplanar graph G of order n, we prove that 2≤β(G)≤⌈2n5⌉ and that the bounds are tight. We also provide linear algorithms to decide whether the metric dimension of G is 2 and to build a resolving set S of size ⌈2n5⌉ for G. Moreover, we characterize all maximal outerplanar graphs with metric dimension 2

    Rainbow polygons for colored point sets in the plane

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    Given a colored point set in the plane, a perfect rainbow polygon is a simple polygon that contains exactly one point of each color, either in its interior or on its boundary. Let rb-index(S) denote the smallest size of a perfect rainbow polygon for a colored point set S, and let rb-index(k) be the maximum of rb-index(S) over all k-colored point sets in general position; that is, every k-colored point set S has a perfect rainbow polygon with at most rb-index(k) vertices. In this paper, we determine the values of rb-index(k) up to k=7, which is the first case where rb-index(k)¿k, and we prove that for k=5, [Formula presented] Furthermore, for a k-colored set of n points in the plane in general position, a perfect rainbow polygon with at most [Formula presented] vertices can be computed in O(nlogn) time. © 2021 Elsevier B.V